Picture frame fittings, hanging systems

For gallery hanging and picture framing

68 Vittoria Street, Birmingham, B1 3PB, U.K.
Tel. No: 0121 236 7219
Fax No. 0121-236 3633
Email: sales@frankscragg.co.uk

Security Fixings


Side Fixing - No. 48
1. Side Fixing - No. 48
The brackets are screwed to the frame, one on each side, and are then placed on screws in the wall with the spring clip in place (A).  Once the picture is positioned satisfactorily, the clip is pushed home (B).  The clip can only be removed using the special release tool (49).  In sets of two spring clips and two brackets with screws - use one set per picture.
Top and Bottom Fixing - No. 58
2. Top and Bottom fixing - No. 58
Firstly, screw two T-slotted brackets to the top of the frame to hang on screws in the wall.  One bracket and spring clip is then fitted to the bottom in the same way as for the side fixing method.   In sets of one spring slip and bracket and screws plus two T-brackets - use one set per picture.

T-Headed Screw
The brackets are screwed to each side of the moulding, and T-headed screws in the wall are turned in the slots, using the spanner. In sets of two T-screws and plugs, two brackets and fixing screws - use one set per picture.
Double Plate Profiles. Screw two top plates into the wall which will slot into the top of the frame.  One T-screw is used for the bottom of the frame.  In sets of 2 top plates plus one T-screw and plug - use one set per picture.
Top Plate

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Blister Packed Range

Blister Packed Range

Popular picture hanging accessories in attractive blister packs. Stand is supplied free of charge with an opening package and can be topped up as required from an extensive range. We also have a larger 21 peg stand - 2 pegs wider - together with picture hooks in traditional boxes.
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Firescreen Attachments

Firescreen feet Firescreen handle Decorative handle

Polished brass firescreen feet and handles. Also available in chrome or black.

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